The Migrant Workers Ministry from The Social Justice Committee visited the Masse Farm to welcome the 9 workers employed there with welcome gifts. The gifts included personal items such as soap, toothpaste, shaving creme, along with food & snacks. Included was a letter thanking them for coming to Canada (Ontario) and labouring in the fields to help feed us. We are grateful and thank them , knowing they have left their families back home in the Caribbean. The men seemed very happy to see us and pleasantly surprised to receive the gifts we gave them.
The members of the Ministry team are: Kevin Mitchell, Kathy Regier, Dianne Tschirhart.We visited the 3 workers on the Bayfield Berry Farm to welcome them with gift bags for their personal use. The bags had a welcome letter from the Lake Huron Family of Parishes welcoming them and thanking them for coming to Canada and labouring on the farm to help feed us.
The owner of the farm, Marlene Beyerlein, has an easy, relaxed manner with the 3 men and was pleased that we were engaging with them. One of the workers has returned to her farm for the 11th time!
The 3 of us were happy to have this opportunity to welcome & thank these 12 men and honoured to be a part of the Migrant Ministry.